Thursday, March 3, 2011

Toilet Training

Simple steps, just requires diligence and patience of course.
1. Cats have been aged a minimum of 6 months or has been clever use litter box.
2. The equipment needed is some plastic litter box and double-sided tape.

1. First you need to do is introduce a new cat in the area other than where we usually put the litter box. In other words if we put the litter box usually corner room now we put the litter box in the toilet / shower, and get used to let her know the new place.
2. Once he knew the place little by little raise the litter box until the position parallel to the height of a toilet. Able to use heavy books, tables / chairs and so small. Use double-sided tape on the bottom of the box to keep from falling.
3. After the second step is successful, begin to move the box now on the toilet (still using double-sided tape).
4. The third step OK? Well now starting holes litter box a gradual basis starting from the middle and lama2 hole was enlarged to almost the edge of the toilet so that eventually doi learned to balance his position with the new conditions.
5. After he was adept with his new position, then the box is allowed in the loose and he was able to defecate in the toilet itself.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Simple Tips For Your Cat

for all cat lovers .. there are a few tips. hopefully useful. 1. to the behavior of cats: cat does have a habit or behavior that is different from one another, not all the same, so long as the habit does not disturb us, and not harm the cat is actually, that I knew and I learned to cat character 50% inherited from his parents. 50% again depending on the pet. but the characters are usually formed before the age of 4 months so the children try our kittens must often were invited to play, in the habit combed and bath. as we want before the age of 4 month.
2.untuk cat care: tips for perwatan cat ... we as owners should be able to judge the character of our cat, because as I mentioned, each cat has a different character from one another, so for maintenance we can not equate one with the other. For example: for the use of drugs is the type of cat that can be given / easy given the sort of medicine tablets, but there is also a difficult, he should be in mix with a drink or food, so we can not impose the same treatment one cat with another cat. so the conclusion: we as owners should be able to see and distinguish the character of our cats, so we can know how to care for each of our cats ... I hope these tips are useful for the cat lovers.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Helping Birth Process

first aid in giving birth to the cat. this applies to the first birth for the cat (or even detrimental to 2-3 depending on the parent)
The first is required: - Scissors that have been in the flush of alcohol - Thread - Dry tissue - Airr warm - Cotton - Pipette suction fluid in the nose kitten
when the first baby came out, there is still a fetus wrapped in bags, in the open, the bag carefully.
klo the kitten is already open from the pocket, then there is a distinguished navel cord stuck in the bag, near the stomach kitten yarn tied first, 1cm from the stomach, then the rest which 1 cm toward the bag again, the scissors, the exhaust there are pockets
later, the baby in disposable clean dry tissue, slowly usually when a late ngeluarin of the bag, there are some who kehisap same fluid the baby, then in his nose in the lipo-suction disposable pipette, there is also the baby in place on the last two palms on the swing-swing with the head down, so that he vomited fluid kesedot him but if it can be disposable pipette suction is enough ....
completed, which is liquid at the same absorption of dry tissue, and enter into the nipple of its mother, in order to suckle. there are some cases that the owners "out of line" to help, so fluid in the body is dry kitten in flush with cotton and warm water.
after that bring the baby to the nipple suckling its mother so quickly, and the mother is licking instinct.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Clot on persian cat fur

Habits that can not be dihidari cat is licking its own fur or better known as grooming. It aims to clean up the feathers of dirt
But the grooming habits that can be a problem for cats perisa. As we know from the type of cat fur is longer. Because of its length it is possible to swallow while lick of course the bigger ... ..
After the feathers were swallowed into the stomach and then the feathers will clot. This is called a hairball (hair ball).
Whether this can be avoided. Avoiding 100% is difficult. But we can minimize and keep our Persian cat in the following way:

* Use a special toothpaste to prevent hairball. You can buy it at your pet store.
* If you can not afford to buy pasta. Maybe once in a while you can give margarine on makanananya.
Two things above are ways to prevent it. But if you are already likely to clot are some ways to treat it:

* Provide for natural grass persian cat will eat them to vomit hairball.
* If you still can not in the sense that has become a big hairball, yes you would not want to be to the vet for surgery.
While the characteristics of cat hairball menderia are:

* Frequent cough
* Difficult breathing
* And of course vomiting
Well, whether you are now stricken with persian cat hairball

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Avian Disease Fact Hidden cat

Disease in cats is also common in humans is probably the flu. In cats, this flu is feline upper respiratory disease (upper respiratory illness).
And do you know! This is one of dozens of types of diseases in cats that can spread rapidly in young kittens.
This flu vius Caused by the herpes group (calicivirus) are sometimes infected with Mycoplasma viruses such as Chlamydia. And direct mengenfeksi in cats breathing apparatus.
Meanwhile ...
Flu-like symptoms and characteristics of its flu is actually almost identical to humans. Here are some of them

* First of course is a general feature of influenza in the sneeze.
* Then followed a high fever with temperatures between 40-41 C.
* Appetite loss (if it seems all disease cat: D)
* Depression
Almost the same with humans is not it? But if your flu symptoms do not follow, then it will semain cat disease to be as follows:

* Inflammation in the eyes and nose cat
* Saliva excessive exit
* Snot Nose accompanied thickens out
* Sometimes the lining of the nose visible injuries, or tongue vivir
As for the medication is forcibly fed with food lost due nasfsu. And to prevent secondary infection and eradicate Mycoplasma Chlamydia, cats were given broad-spectrum antibiotics.
And what cat flu drug is right for penyait this cat?
Of course the most correct step is to take him to the doctor. And to prevent the flu in the future, ask your doctor to notify the proper vaccinations. And have also done six months.
OK! Hopefully this article disease in cats can help you properly care for cats anymore!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Mites cat disease

Mite is one of the many cat diseases. Mau cats funny but once hit ya jad not funny anymore deh. Pokonya have to be careful! Here's some information I can from this disease.
Scabies mites or ear Otodectes cynotis medical language. This cat diseases cause itching. So funny though cause the cat will scratch-garuknya. And occur in a cat's ear. Scratching has led to a secondary bacterial infection and cause swelling of the ear.
Small scabies mites (Notoedres cati), these mites can dig burrows in the skin. And can cause itching and thickening of the skin, often occur on the face side of cat's eyes and ears. Moreover, the nature of cats that will scratch and can menjilatinyanya mengakitbatkan until balding hair loss.
Harvest mite (Trombicula autumnalis), which is harmful larvae, also known as red mite or chigger. If outside the country can infect cats during the summer and early season gugur.Biasanya occur in cats that have fur is not thick like the kind of cat that is often discussed.
Feather mites (Cheyletiella species). Signs a cat is a cat disease that a lot of dandruff on the back and sides of a cat body. The good news is not really a problem for cats but the bad news is it can infect humans (causing a red rash and blisters)
YES this is only mites that my cat disease ketahui.Pokonya aja careful if Angora cat, persian cat, or other type of cat you have too much scratching. Always ALERT!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Bowel disease in cats

Just like humans, cats can also suffer from intestinal diseases. Before this blog also discussed about infectious enteritis. But for this kind of cat illnesses will be discussed more. One paragaf will be described one kind of disease!
If your cat has the characteristics of intestinal diseases such as eating well but thin. Then surely it is a disorder due to worms. Simply give special worming cats.
Flatulence is a symptom that may be caused by diseases of cats in the intestine. This is caused by diet, and often occurs in kittens. Try to be discussed with your doctor about dietary changes.
Despite a normal appetite aka mediocre but body weight decreased chronic cats. Some of the causes of this intestinal disease can be caused by tumors intestine and worms. Can also caused by the inability of the intestine to menyerapa sari cat food
Do you often funny cat vomiting and not eating. This may be due to the swelling of intestinal disease.
Symptoms of intestinal diseases such as straining to defecate, dung produced hard and dense, then push it to stop after feces out. But cats do not vomit! So the cat disease which may be mild constipation (common in elderly and long-haired cats like cat persian)
In contrast, if ...
Penyakitnnya same symptoms as above but the dirt that came out a little or nothing and even vomit! The look on the cat also showed depression. Means it is more than just a mild constipation was severe constipation terjmasuk category
Posture of the cat was membungkukan belakan bone. The possibility that there are foreign bodies and severe constipation.
Vomiting and diarrhea. This is because the swelling of the intestinal disease (inflammatory bowel Desease).
Diarrhea and once or twice in a great place but in a short time. In fact, the cat show looks bright and alert (no vomiting). If this does not need to be taken to the vet just give water once a day then give a gentle cat food. But if the disease continues its ya cat would not want to be taken to the vet.
If the incidence of intestinal diseases above occurs after a cat drinking milk cows. That's because he's not resistant to lactose. If you like this who do not have milk or if they want to make sure that give low-lactose milk
Of course there are many types of intestinal disease that can attack. But I think this is most often a symptom of the many cat diseases.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Hazard Cats

Apparently cats in the house there is a risk of contracting some types of diseases. One of the most must watch out for, when carrying toxoplasma disease. Nahhh .. This is a parasite that lives in the intestines of cats. So potentially infecting parasites through cat feces.
Because the cat feces scattered around the house, could be a parasite also has the potential to spread around the surface of the ground, floors and yard. Parasites are also attached to the hair, mouth, and containers used to eat cats. Nahhh .. tu area to watch ya!
Intestinal parasites in cats can also live in the human body. So we call an animal disease which can also in humans, or zoonoses. Adjacent to live with cats at risk of contracting this parasite. Calm down Of course not all cats carry this parasite. Only the infected cats are a source of transmission.
Not just a cat. Can also dogs, goats, cows, buffalo, or any animal infected with this parasite. Usually animals that graze. Goats and buffaloes to get it after eating contaminated grass this parasite. Cat feces scattered foot cat brought into the grass which is then eaten by goats or other grazing animals.
Parasites in the form that enters the body kiste goat or a parasite-eating contaminated grass will grow in the flesh. So be careful eating goat meat, buffalo, or beef medium rare, if it turns out these animals suffer from toxoplasmosis.
For infants, the same risks with toxoplasma in adults. But later on the Eve, this parasite causes a problem when I'm pregnant toxoplasma positive. Him diseased, from blood tests in the laboratory, found a positive toxoplasma. Pregnancy with toxoplasma effect the disabled child in the womb, if not a dead child. So should not be used if positive toxoplasma pregnant.
There are other diseases that brought a cat, a worm disease. But no more dangerous than toxoplasma. How to prevent it from contracting, to maintain cleanliness. In addition to cleaning the home environment, as well as personal hygiene, especially hand washing rules. Parasites from around the house easily attached to the fingers of the hand. When you eat without washing your hands with soap to clean, then the transmission of toxoplasma lasted through the fingers of this hand.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Types of Maine Coon Cats

After a long time not posting. Today will discuss one type of cat. Not the persian cat Angora cat but also not a Maine Coon.
Maine Coon cat species name itself comes from the name of the state in the USA, Maine. But the origins of this cat was not known. That there is only a fairy tale and myth alone. One of them is ...
A story of a French queen named Marie Antoinette. He will be sentenced to death and trying to escape with the help of Captain Samuel Clough. Marie burden to their belongings, including six from long-haired cat. Although he never reached the USA. Cat selamatsampai to Wiscasset, Maine. Where cats are mating with local short-haired cat. END
Maine Coon cats can survive in the snow and cold though because it has a thick fur and anti-water, plus there is a very thick fur on the legs, abdomen and neck.
Nini cats have a great body. For male cats weighing between 6-9 kg only. As for female cats 4-6 kg. Maine Coon also has eyes and ears of the hearing reflects the ability penglihatkan and more.
Less ahead,
In general, the characteristics of Maine Coon cats are as follows:

* Body length of fiber rather large and quadrangular
* Having strong bones and muscles
* Eyes wide and oval makudnya closeout eh: D
* Big ear (the width at the bottom)
* Forehead curved
* Very prominent cheek muscles
* Nose wide and curved at the edges
* The tail length and width
* As described above fur thick and water resistant (slightly oily)
Interested to select the type of cat is this? Maine Coon cats have properties close to the man or his employer. Having an active nature and like to roam around his employer. Compare with persian cat who likes to sleep.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Ras Cats popular

Cats are the most beautiful creature in the world. They are the most beloved pets in the household and the environment. Cats, also known as the domestic cat or Housecat to distinguish it from other cats and felids, is a small carnivorous mammal that is valued by humans for companionship and its ability to hunt vermin and household pests. Cats have been associated with humans for at least 9,500 years, and currently the most popular cat in the world. when making the decision to have a pet, you first decide the type you want. They are funny, kind, and is considered safe around kids. Actually, cats are the easiest pets to own. Cats are perfect companions. They do not need a lot of owners. They just have to regularly eat. They also need shelter. this is some kind of cat cekidot ... ...
1. Persian cat 

Persian is a cat with long hair that is marked with a round face and short muzzle. Universal ranked number one of the most popular type because it is very loving and loyal. One of the oldest cat race, he took his name from the place of origin, Persia (Iran). Recognized by the cat fancy since the late 19th century, was developed first by the British, and especially by American farmers after the Second World War. In Britain, it is called an artist or a Persian classical musician. Although the Persians have a high price and need maintenance treatments every day, this is more than offset by the personality, but her hair can be a nightmare to maintain, sometimes growing to 3 inches long! Persian requires a comfortable environment to feel safe.
2. Siamese cat 

Siamese is one of the first clearly recognized breeds of Oriental cat. Exact origin of the Siamese is unknown, but believed to have originated from Southeast Asia. Siamese breed standard of the Modern show an elegant, slim, stylish, flexible and muscular body. triangular-shaped head, with thin snout. Almond-shaped eyes and tilted. Short hair, shiny, smooth, soft, tight and adhered to the body. Siamese marked with distinctive color scheme pointy. A Siamese cat always wants to be center of attention. They want to be noticed. Cats are very communicative, yowling in a hoarse voice for attention or just to talk! They tend to be too noisy or cry a lot if you ignore it. They are slender and athletic with big ears. their fur is short and located close to their skin. They love to caress, and very loyal and close to one person. They are very intelligent and loving ...
3. The Maine Coon cat 

The Maine Coon accounted for a large bone structure, with a square body shape, and long flowing hair on the body. perberkembang breeding can be seen in various colors and are known for their intelligence. Maine Coons are one of the biggest races in the country. for male cats average weight of their body weight 12-18 pounds in females are usually 10-14. They are tough, tender and loving with long hair but do not require much grooming as the Persian. kind of personality they will make them very safe with children. One will be a very loyal addition to the family.
4. Abyssinian cat
The Abyssinian is a type of pet cat with ticked coat typical. There are many stories about its origins, often rolling in Egypt, but the actual origins are uncertain. The Abyssinian has become one of the most popular shorthair cat breeds in the United States. medium-length coat, dense, and soft to touch. The Abyssinian has a coat that is unusual enough to attract attention. Each hair has a primary color with three or four dark-colored ribbon, hair is a lighter color on the roots, and dark "ticking" color on the end. Abyssinians are very active, busy and funny, and they love people.
5. Ragdoll cat 

The Ragdoll is one of the largest domestic cat race with a solid body, frame and proportionately large feet. This cat breed with blue eyes and coat colorpoint different. This is a semi-artist cat big and muscular with a feather soft and smooth. Developed by the controversial American breeder Ann Baker, who is best known as a docile and calm temperament and affectionate nature. The name "Ragdoll" is derived from the tendency of individuals from the original breeding stock limp and relax when picked up. They are very gentle, relaxed and affectionate. They are perfect for any household. They were so tame that can be harmful to them is to go out because they will not defend themselves if they attacked another animal.
6. The Exotic Cat 

The Exotic Shorthair has a gentle and calm personality reminiscent of the Persians, but more alive than the long-haired ancestors. Want to know and love to play, the cat is friendly towards other cats and dogs. they rarely give voice meows. They do not like to be left alone, and needs the presence of the owner (Or sound or smell that is reminiscent of the masters-such as radio continued). They tend to show more affection and loyalty than most breeds and make excellent lap cats. they are calm and stable nature makes them ideal apartment cats for city dwellers. Nonetheless, Exotics retain some energetic spark of their ancestors and their American Shorthair often capable mouse hunters.
7. Savannah Cat 

Savannah is considered one of the larger races of domesticated cats. Pasture height and slim build gives the appearance of larger size than their actual weight. This cat is a cross marriage between serval and domestic cat. Savana is generally compared with dogs in their loyalty, and they will follow their owners around the house like a dog. They also can be trained to walk on the rope, and even fetch. Savana reported as very social and friendly with new people and other cats and dogs, while others may run and hide or revert to hissing and growling when seeing a stranger. Exposure to other people and pets are most likely a key factor in the socialization process as the Savannah kitten grows. Savannah did not have the temperament problems that would be associated with basic cat more shy and / or aggressive hybrid. Savannah is very curious, and have been known to get into all sorts of things. They often learn how to open doors and cabinets, Savannah is a cat who is not afraid of the water a lot of people will play or even immerse themselves in water. Some owners even take a bath with their cat Savannah.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Rare and unique cats

Cat, Felis silvestris catus, is a kind of carnivore. The word "cat" usually refers to the "cat" that has been tamed, but can also refer to the "big cats" like lions, tigers, and leopards.
Forkamer, The cat is one of the most popular pet in the world. Cat lineage officially listed as a cat breeds or strains of pure (pure breed), such as Persian, Siamese, Manx, sphinx. Cats like this are usually bred in captivity official animal.
The number of cat race is only 1% of all cats in the world, the rest is a cat with half-breed such as a wild cat or kitten home.
1. Ppallas's Cat 

Pallas's The Cat (Otocolobus manul) called "Manul". Only the size of a domestic cat, but seems more severe because of the dense fur. Pallas's The Cat is different from other cats in that it has big eyes and teeth and the gap a little more, giving the appearance of the face is relatively flat.
These cats ranged from Eastern Europe to Siberia, to explore a higher altitude than the Middle East and Asia. Cats are considered the oldest cat species, which evolved about 12 million years ago. Although cats are rarely found, you are probably familiar with this cat because popular images of a poster.
2. Andean Mountain Cat

The Andean Mountain Cat (Leopardus jacobita) is very rarely seen, limited habitat in the mountains of Bolivia, Peru, Argentina, and Chile at an altitude above the tree line. Total population estimated at only around 2500. This cat is growing almost as big as a house cat, with long thick tail that could provide a useful counterweight to maneuver around the mountain.

Margay (Leopardus wiedii) resemble domestic cats, but smaller than a house cat. Margay also have relatively longer legs than a house cat and is an excellent tree climber.
Cats are spread across the region stretching from Mexico down through Brazil. The species is in danger and is rarely seen, because only hunt at night and remain hidden in the rainforest.

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4. Fishing Cat 

Fishing Cat (Prionailurus viverrinus) there is in asia south and Southeast Asia, where he preferred to live near water is better for fishing, of course. He was the first swimmer from the family cat a cat. This cat is listed as endangered because their habitat is being destroyed as a wetland drained for human use.

Serval (Leptailurus serval) is one type of African wild cats are believed to be a long-legged ancient ancestors of lions and cheetahs. These cats inhabit savannas of Africa. This cat has a small head and long legs are very efficient to catch prey. They are also very intelligent. Serval is a wild cat are most often kept as house pets.

Caracal has a typical appearance of North America, this cat is growing well, and living in Africa and Asia. This cat grows about three feet long. Caracal prefer to live in mountain or desert areas, and can survive without water longer than other cats. Although rarely seen, there are a lot of caracal in the wild, and sometimes taken as pets.
7.African Golden Cat 

African Golden Cat (Profelis aurata) is not always golden. In fact, the color varies greatly between individuals, ranging from reddish gold to dark gray with a special mark on several cats and a lighter chest. Cats also can change color during their life cycle. Golden Cat native living in the equatorial African rain forest. These cats are rarely seen, grows 30-32 inches long and weighing up to 40 pounds. Golden Cat animal classified as near threatened with extinction.
Cat 8.Sand
Sand cat (Felis margarita) lives in the deserts of Africa, Arabian Peninsula, and West Asia. same size as the domestic cat, but with a thicker fur. Sand the paint has a broad head and the hair grows in between the legs, the excess is often found in cats Arctic. The goal is to adapt the foot to the environment. This cat is listed as endangered animals, banned in many countries pemburuannya

Cat Eyes

In the cat this article I will discuss about the cat's eye precisely in sight. . Biological characteristics. comparison with other creatures. This is to fulfill previous article like cat claws. And For more details please refer to the following article:

Cats own sense of vision has a visual range between 0.25 meters to 2 meters. So if not up to the range above the health of your cat probably is not particularly good.

The eyes of cats have a very good stereoscopic penghilatan. His vision in motion detection can also be spelled out very well. Even the cat's ability to detect a light can be eight times better than humans.

Did you know that because the cat has a very INCREDIBLE perception in seeing blue and green. That means they have the ability to see the colors were better than human.

As we know, cats are also able to see very well in the dark. This is because a cat's eye has a special structure called the tapetum cellulosum. This structure is useful in reflecting light back into the retina. So when the night darkness, cat's eye look like a glow.

However, not all cats have good vision. Especially the eyes of Siamese cats. Most Siamese cats have a poor stereoscopic vision. Many of these cats have eyes squint. It is characteristic that distinguishes Siamese cat with other cats.
