Sunday, February 20, 2011

Avian Disease Fact Hidden cat

Disease in cats is also common in humans is probably the flu. In cats, this flu is feline upper respiratory disease (upper respiratory illness).
And do you know! This is one of dozens of types of diseases in cats that can spread rapidly in young kittens.
This flu vius Caused by the herpes group (calicivirus) are sometimes infected with Mycoplasma viruses such as Chlamydia. And direct mengenfeksi in cats breathing apparatus.
Meanwhile ...
Flu-like symptoms and characteristics of its flu is actually almost identical to humans. Here are some of them

* First of course is a general feature of influenza in the sneeze.
* Then followed a high fever with temperatures between 40-41 C.
* Appetite loss (if it seems all disease cat: D)
* Depression
Almost the same with humans is not it? But if your flu symptoms do not follow, then it will semain cat disease to be as follows:

* Inflammation in the eyes and nose cat
* Saliva excessive exit
* Snot Nose accompanied thickens out
* Sometimes the lining of the nose visible injuries, or tongue vivir
As for the medication is forcibly fed with food lost due nasfsu. And to prevent secondary infection and eradicate Mycoplasma Chlamydia, cats were given broad-spectrum antibiotics.
And what cat flu drug is right for penyait this cat?
Of course the most correct step is to take him to the doctor. And to prevent the flu in the future, ask your doctor to notify the proper vaccinations. And have also done six months.
OK! Hopefully this article disease in cats can help you properly care for cats anymore!

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